24 Books
Facebook loves showing me an ad of this CEO (I can’t remember what he was selling)— but he mentions very earnestly that the AVERAGE CEO reads 50 books a year! He even shows the stack of books.
Now I love reading and learning (always hungry for more wisdom), but how would I fit that into my life?! It turns out, not to be as hard as one might think.
At the beginning of 2019, I set myself the goal of reading 2 books per month thus 24 books per year. Unlike many new years' resolutions, I actually followed through with this one. Some Netflix was sacrficed, but the learnings, growth, and wisdom they provided were pricless. All the books were non-fiction books about life, leadership, spiritual growth and business.
I kept a record to help guide and push me to reach the goal of 24 books. It’s also satisfying now to review this list of memories. Like anything requiring some discipline the more you consume the more, you want (think jogging). Going to Amazon or Exclusive Books is becoming a favorite past time for me now :)
Something else I started to do whilst browsing book shops is exploring the kids section. In 2019 we amassed quite a number of illustrated books to read at bedtime — because you can’t read Dr Seuss every night ;)
Check out my list and you will notice that in April and October I didn’t read any books. Some months are just really hard (time, energy, life, kids, etc.). Others like December (when I read 5 books) are easier.
Reading 24 books was an inspiring choice — one which I will repeat in 2020.
Here is my 2019 list:
Bill Johnson – The Way Of Life
Stephen K. DeSilva – Money And The Prosperous Soul
Gary Vaynerchuk – Crushing it
Bob Goff – Everybody Always
Shaun Boltz – God Secrets
Bill Johnson – When heaven invades earth
John Bevere – Under Cover
Dr. James Dobson – Raising Boys
Shawn Boltz – Translating God
Adam Whatan & Steve Schogar – Refactoring UI
Kris Vallotton – School Of The Prophets
Shaun Boltz – The Modern Prophet
Bill Johnson – Raising Giant Killers
Bill & Beni Johnson – The Power Of Communion
Walker Deibel – Buy then build
Benny Hinn – Good Morning Holy Spirit
Seth Dahl – Win Win Parenting
Carlo Ancelotti – Quiet Leadership
Bill Johnson – Hosting The Presence
James Wiseman – Night School
Danny Silk – Unpunishable
Brian Johnson – When God Becomes Real
Dan McCollam – Bending Time
Billy Gallagher – How To Turn Down A Billion Dollars | The Snapchat Story
Danny Silk – Loving Our Kids On Purpose