The Inside Scoop: May 2021
Hi friends 👋
Since the last update, there has been very little, “updates” 😪
For me, this is so frustrating because the building process is my favorite part. I love the “process”. Most of the time though I’m just waiting for our developer to finish.
So what does a founder do while he waits for the product to be finished or at least have a workable version?
I don’t know really. If all the name, domain, social pages, logo’s and branding is done I don’t know if there is much else to do? I don’t want to spend anything on marketing before I have a useful product either.
One thing (as you know) I have been tinkering with is the logo 😮
After Palm Sunday a few months ago I decided I wanted the logo to be a palm leaf. The meaning behind it is victory, triumph, peace, and eternal life 🧐
Then there was the color aspect which influences the branding as well. That still hasn’t been decided yet 😔
I wanted to go with purple which means creativity, wisdom, and wealth, but my wife liked the multicolor options better. See below:
What do you think? Multicolor or two or one color? Solid or transparent? One or three leaves?
I would honestly love your opinion 🙏
Thanks for reading and remember I don’t know what I’m doing 😁